We are accepting new patients!! Here is what to expect at your first visit.


What Causes Gum Disease in Children?

When people think about their oral health, teeth are the first to come to mind. Your child’s teeth are an essential part of their oral health, but their gums are essential too! Your child’s gums help support their teeth, hold them in place throughout their life, and serve as a protective tissue for avoiding harmful […]

How Laser Dentistry Can Ease Children’s Anxieties

There are two prime components to ensuring oral health remains good throughout your lifetime. The first is the thorough and consistent use of dental hygiene products. You’ll need to brush twice daily, use mouthwash consistently, and floss at least once daily to keep streptococcus mutans at bay. However, this routine represents only half of what […]

The Pros and Cons of Fluoride For Children’s Dental Health

Fluoride is one of the most well-known minerals because of its many health benefits for our teeth. It’s found in our toothpaste, mouthwashes, and local drinking water. Most of all, it’s reported to provide many benefits for children’s growing bodies, strengthening their teeth and stopping cavities from forming. However, with fluoride comes some disparity, and […]