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The Essential Role Of Dental Crowns For Children’s Teeth

If you’ve just discovered that your child is in need of a crown, you may be wondering why. Many parents hold the illusion that the baby teeth are just placeholders. The truth is they play an essential role in the development of your child’s adult teeth. Without the baby or primary teeth remaining until they […]

Can Pediatric Crowns Be Used For Kids?

Pediatric dental crowns are often an unexplored option for parents worried about their children’s teeth. Most often, when you hear about children having cavities, fillings are considered the most widely known solution out there and are most often used by pediatric dentists. However, in some cases, pediatric crowns are also used to help protect the […]

How SDF Is Capable Of Protecting Your Teeth

Every year ongoing research into dental care looks for new ways to prevent dental decay. Hundreds of researchers invest countless hours of their lives into finding treatments and technologies that can prevent the suffering that comes with cavities. Tooth decay is the single most common treatment needed by dental patients, making it a central focus […]