We are accepting new patients!! Here is what to expect at your first visit.


First Visit by age 1

So you’ve had a new baby, congratulations and welcome (again?) to the wonderful world of parenting. You’re going to have so many questions come up during this exciting first year that there’s one you may let slip by. “When should my child see the dentist for the first time?” It’s not uncommon for parents to […]

Establishing a Dental Home

Establishing a dental home is an important part of taking care of your oral health. This is where you’ll be consistently treated for any issues you might encounter, as well as where you will go for routine cleanings and preventative treatment. A dental home makes a person feel like they know their dentist and that […]

The Importance of Primary Teeth

Oftentimes people think that baby teeth or primary teeth aren’t important. After all, these teeth fall out. And if they fall out they can’t be all that valuable. This kind of thinking, however, it what causes thousands and thousands of patients to run into oral problems later in life. Primary teeth play an important role […]