We are accepting new patients!! Here is what to expect at your first visit.


What Being Lip-Tied or Tongue-Tied Means For Children

For parents, having a child experiencing difficulties eating, speaking, and moving their mouth can be a problematic experience. If your child is experiencing these problems, then they could be either tongue-tied or lip-tied. These conditions, however, can easily be treated by a pediatric oral surgeon. Our Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry team in Noblesville is here […]

A Parents Primer For Pediatric Dental Hygiene

There’s an immense amount of focus on our children’s mental and physical health. However, there is less emphasis on their oral health. This is unfortunate, as the care we provide our youngest family members can impact their oral health for a lifetime. Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry has provided this primer for pediatric dental hygiene to […]

How Trauma-Informed Pediatric Care Protects Children

At some point during our life, we’re bound to experience traumatic events that leave a mark on us. These events are hard enough when we’re adults with coping skills that help us manage our experiences. Children who go through traumatizing events typically lack these coping mechanisms and may struggle with communicating their experiences. Of all […]