We are accepting new patients!! Here is what to expect at your first visit.


First Dental Visit: Guiding Your Child Towards a Healthy Smile

A child’s first dental visit is a significant milestone. At Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry in Noblesville, Dr. Sam Bullard and our compassionate team understand the importance of making this initial positive and educational experience. Here’s a comprehensive guide to prepare your child for their first dental appointment, paving the way for a lifetime of healthy […]

The Vital Role of Regular Dental Check-Ups for Kids

Welcome to Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry in Noblesville, where Dr. Sam Bullard and our dedicated team emphasize the importance of regular dental check-ups and cleanings for children. This blog explores why these routine visits are beneficial and essential for your child’s oral health and overall well-being. Early Detection: Key to Preventing Dental Problems Regular dental […]

Navigating Childhood Dental Issues: Prevention & Care

At Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry in Noblesville, under the experienced guidance of Dr. Sam Bullard, we understand the nuances of children’s dental health. This blog aims to shed light on common dental problems encountered during childhood and how to effectively prevent them, ensuring a healthy smile for every child. Tooth Decay: A Prevalent Concern Tooth […]