The First Year is Important for Teeth

When it comes to the health of children, it is important to make sure to stay on top of all of the required visits. This is just as essential when taking care of children’s teeth. While many parents prefer to wait until teeth come in before visiting the dentist, children’s teeth during the first year need just as much care and attention. The teeth help to ensure that children receive the proper nutrition because they are an important part of chewing food, breaking it down into sizes that a baby can digest. Without proper chewing, the food can be challenging for a young digestive tract to extract the necessary nutrients from. Furthermore, it is important for speech development. Most people are used to talking with properly cared for teeth. This is even more important for babies who are learning how to talk. Without proper teeth, it is tough for children to learn how to construct words in the proper way. In addition, if the baby teeth come in properly, this will make it easier for permanent teeth to come in properly later. The baby teeth help to preserve space for permanent teeth. If the spaces aren’t aligned properly, the permanent teeth might arrive crooked.
Important authorities in dental care, such as the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics, encourage all parents to take their child to a dental visit by age one. In addition to the reasons above, baby teeth are at risk for tooth decay as soon as they enter the mouth. Therefore, these teeth need regular care just as any other person requires. Make sure that baby teeth receive proper care as soon as they arrive. Remember that tooth decay can prevent proper eating and proper nutrition for a child who needs it most. Furthermore, babies cannot say when a tooth hurts. An infection might go unnoticed for an extended period of time. This allows cavities to foster the spread of infections to the root, gum line, and other precious teeth. This can lead to tooth loss and expensive bills from preventable infections.
Experience Matters
When it comes to visiting a pediatric dentist, experience matters. At Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry Nobleville, the health of children is what matters most. Dr. Sam Bullard has developed an impressive track record of happy kids, satisfied parents, and healthy patients. Armed with the latest knowledge on pediatric dentistry and a wealth of experience as a Noblesville pediatric dentist, Dr. Bullard will make sure that every patient has the cleanest teeth around. For people looking for a pediatric dentist in Noblesville, IN, look no further than Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry. With the health of children at the forefront of every visit, make sure that every child receives their first recommended dental visit by age one. It is important for the growth of proper teeth, adequate nutrition, and speech development. Don’t delay! Contact Dr. Bullard and his team today to schedule an appointment!