Establishing a Dental Home
Establishing a dental home is an important part of taking care of your oral health. This is where you’ll be consistently treated for any issues you might encounter, as well as where you will go for routine cleanings and preventative treatment. A dental home makes a person feel like they know their dentist and that they can come to him for treatment if the need arises. Additionally, people who have a dental home are more likely to be honest and up front with their dentist about what they might be experiencing.
It’s particularly important that children be established with a dental home as this can help reduce their chance of developing a fear of the dentist. When you start them early they continue the habit through their teenage years and into adulthood.
Here’s a few more reasons why having a dental home is important.
Easier Record Maintenance
By staying put at one dentist you’re ensuring your dental records are all kept at the same place. This saves you the hassle of having to deal with lost records or calling various offices to have your records transferred. Additionally, you won’t risk records not making it to your dentist and him possibly missing something important in your record.
Experience Improved Care
Consistently visiting the dentist helps to ensure you’re getting exceptional care. This is because your dentist will have established a relationship with you. And the more the dentist knows you, the better recommendations he can make for your treatment.
Avoid Insurance Problems
One of the biggest stressors associated with switching dentists is dealing with insurance. First you have to find a dentist that takes your insurance, then you have to worry about all the potential billing issues that might come up. By maintaining a dental home you can avoid these problems because the front staff will know what your insurance is and what it covers.
When should you establish a dental home?
A dental home should ideally be established when a child begins to get his or her first tooth. However, for adults it should be as soon as possible. Oftentimes we move for work or family reasons. It’s important that you take a step toward being rooted wherever you are by finding a doctor where you can establish your home.
We would love for you to consider making us your dental home. Dr. Bullard is passionate about oral care and taking care of the community. Give us a call or schedule an appointment to learn more about how you can become a part of our dental family.