We are accepting new patients!! Here is what to expect at your first visit.


What if My Child Has Special Needs?

Do special children have special dental needs? Most do. Dr. Swati Singh and Dr. Sam Bullard have found that some special children are very susceptible to tooth decay, gum disease or oral trauma. Others require medication or diets detrimental to dental health. Still other children have physical difficulty with effective dental habits at home. The […]

What are Space Maintainers and What Do They Do?

Why do children lose their baby teeth? A baby tooth usually stays in until a permanent tooth underneath pushes it out and takes its place. Unfortunately, some children lose a baby tooth too soon. A tooth may be knocked out accidentally or removed because of dental disease. When a tooth is lost too early, Dr. […]

What Should I Know About Endocarditis, Antibiotics, and Dentistry

Bacterial endocarditis is an infection caused by bacteria that enter the bloodstream and settle in the heart lining or heart valves. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream in many ways. One common way is through infection of the gums or teeth (cavities). Poor dental hygiene in conjunction with inflamed, bleeding gums can greatly increase the risk […]

Are Root Canals Necessary With Children?

Baby teeth respond well to the removal of a diseased part of the dental pulp (nerve) while leaving the healthy portion intact. The cavity will be removed from the tooth in addition to the portion of the pulp that has been infected by the bacteria of the cavity. A disinfectant is placed on top of […]

What Do I Do If My Child Is In An Accident?

If your child has an accident and you are a patient of record, please call our office as soon as possible. We will see your child immediately. If it is an after-hours emergency, an emergency number will be given on the answering machine. The first 30 minutes after an accident are the most critical to […]

What if My Child is Being Teased About His/Her Appearance?

Guidelines for the Development of Positive Self Esteem. Social inhibition, or feeling uncomfortable in social situations is common for everyone, but particularly for people who think they “look different”. Teasing is the act where someone annoys another person persistently, or bullies another person to anger, resentment, or confusion. Many problems can occur because of the […]

When is the Best Time to Consult an Orthodontist

Orthodontists are dental specialists who work to bring the teeth and jaws into their ideal position for optimal oral health. It is very common for children and young teens to visit orthodontists to monitor or correct complications with emerging permanent teeth. Though a child may visit the orthodontist at any time, the elementary years serve […]

Why are Baby Teeth Important

The primary teeth are the teeth that babies are born with and continue to develop in the first few years of life. Though these teeth eventually fall out to make room for permanent teeth, primary teeth serve many important purposes. Not only are they essential to a child’s physical development, but they also contribute to […]

When Will My Baby Get His /Her First Tooth

Children are born with a set of primary teeth that last throughout early childhood. These primary teeth typically begin to emerge during the first year of life between the ages of 4 and 12 months. This begins a process that usually ends with a complete set of primary teeth by age 3. Though it is […]

Thumb-Sucking and Pacifier Use

Children are born with a natural sucking reflex. In fact, babies begin to suck on their fingers while still in the womb. Sucking a thumb or pacifier is relatively harmless during the first few months of life and may actually be emotionally comforting to an infant. However, prolonged sucking that lasts into the preschool years […]